Preliminary provisions

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions of Sale govern the sale of Products (as defined below) on the www.zafirivini.com website (hereinafter the "Site") by ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE di Giuseppe Zafiri, with registered office in Calamandrana (AT), fraz valle S. Giovanni n.66, tax code: ZFRGPP62T28B594O - VAT number: 01171920059 (hereinafter, ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE)

1.2 Before making a purchase through the Site, we invite you to read these General Terms and Conditions of Sale in full and to read the Information on the Processing of Personal Data


2. Who can buy – Buyers

2.1 The Products are offered for sale exclusively to end consumers, meaning natural persons who act for purposes not related to any commercial, entrepreneurial or professional activity carried out (hereinafter the "Buyer" or "Buyers").



3. Information, presentation and price of the products.

3.1 The products available on the Site are alcoholic food beverages. All information on the essential characteristics of the Products is provided next to the image of each Product.

3.2 The images of the Products offered for sale on the Site may not be displayed correctly by the Buyer and may therefore not correspond exactly to those uploaded to the Site, due to the effects created by the Internet browser or monitor used by the Buyer.

3.3 The prices of the Products are in Euros and include Value Added Tax (VAT). The final price of the cart includes shipping costs, which will therefore not be charged to the Buyer.



4. How to buy

4.1 In order to conclude the contract for the purchase of one or more Products on the Website, the Purchaser must access the Website and, after selecting the Product(s) he/she intends to purchase, must complete and transmit to ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE electronically an order for the purchase of the selected Products, indicating the Product(s) for which he/she requests purchase,  the payment method chosen from those available and the personal data necessary to process the order (hereinafter the "Purchase Order"). For further information regarding the preparation of a Purchase Order, please access the contact section

4.2 The Purchase Order consists of a web page on which the Buyer must indicate some of his personal data (name, surname, shipping address, payment data). Before sending the request for the purchase of the Products, by transmission and confirmation of the Purchase Order electronically, the Buyer will be asked to carefully read the information contained therein, in order to (a) correct any errors or omissions, (b) print or store a copy of the Purchase Order, (c) add, modify or delete items in the shopping cart. After this verification, the Buyer can confirm the Purchase Order by clicking on the "Send the Order" button: until this button is typed and therefore the Purchase Order is confirmed, the Buyer will be free not to complete the Purchase Order or to modify it, for example by deleting some Products from the cart. In order to complete the purchase of the Products, it will also be necessary: (I) to read and accept these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and (II) to read the information relating to the processing of personal data.

4.3 The Purchase Order will be transmitted to the database of ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE for the period of time necessary to process the Purchase Order, to verify the payment, to deliver the Product, as well as in general to process the same, in accordance with the law.

4.4 The purchase contract for the Product is concluded when ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE receives and accepts, electronically, the Purchase Order, after verifying the correctness of the data entered. ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE may not process Purchase Orders (a) that are incomplete, incorrect or incorrect and/or (b) in the event of even temporary unavailability of the Products. In these cases, ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE shall promptly inform the Buyer [and in any case within 30 (thirty) days from the day following the day on which ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE has received the Purchase Order], by e-mail to the address indicated by the Buyer in the Purchase Order (unless the address in question is incorrect), that the contract is not concluded,  specifying the reasons. In the event that the Purchaser has already paid the price of the Product and the shipping costs, the corresponding amount will be refunded (in the manner specified in Article 5 below).

4.5 In the event that ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE intends to conclude the contract, it will send the purchaser, by e-mail, a Purchase Order Confirmation, containing a summary of the information already contained in the Purchase Order and the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, including the information provided for by art. 53 of Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005 and art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 70 of 9 April 2003.



5. Payment

5.1 When sending the Purchase Order, the Buyer will be asked to choose one of the following methods of payment for the Products:

a) via Stripe. You can find all the details about https://docs.stripe.com/security?locale=it-IT security at the following link. The price for the purchase of the Products and the shipping costs, as indicated in the Purchase Order, will be debited from the Buyer's bank account at the time of the order.


b) Bank transfer. For payments by bank transfer, the Purchase Order will be processed when the amount is credited to ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE's current account.



6. Delivery

6.1 The Products will be shipped to the address indicated in the Purchase Order only after the payment of the Purchase Order has been duly recorded and provided that the payment of the price has been made. Except as indicated in Article 4.4 above, the Products will be shipped no later than 30 (thirty) days from the day following that of receipt of the Purchase Order by ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE. Once the delivery to the carrier by ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the Buyer indicating the tracking number. The shipping costs to be borne by the Buyer, if due, will be those indicated in the appropriate field within the Purchase Order to the extent indicated in Article 3.3.

6.2 The Products will be shipped by ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE to the Purchaser by couriers headed by carriers that are completely autonomous and independent of ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE. Any delivery terms indicated to the Purchaser at the time of purchase are to be considered indicative, without prejudice to the provisions of clause 6.1 above with reference to the term of 30 (thirty) days from the receipt of the Purchase Order for the shipment of the product by ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE. Except in cases of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE shall not be liable in any way for any delay in delivery due to the carriers' liability or causes not attributable to it.



7. Product warranty

7.1 The Products available on the Site are guaranteed, in accordance with the law, for lack of conformity manifested within 3 (three) days of delivery.

7.2 To exercise the right relating to the warranty of the Products purchased, the Purchaser must contact ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE through the contact section of the Website or the email address info@zafirivini.com, specifying the nature of the request, and will be contacted shortly by ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE, who will verify the request.

7.3 The warranty does not apply if the Product has been damaged, even accidentally, due to the negligence of persons other than ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE and tampering not authorized by ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE by the Buyer or third parties.

7.4 It is understood that the Purchaser will not be charged any expense for exercising the right to the legal warranty in relation to the Products purchased.



8. Right of withdrawal

8.1 The Purchaser has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded with ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 10 (ten) working days from the day on which the Products purchased on the Website are delivered to him.

8.2 To exercise the right of withdrawal from the contract, the Purchaser must: (a) fill in the "Returns Form" available on the Website at this link, and (b) send it by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE di Giuseppe Zafiri, with registered office in Calamandrana (AT), fraz. Valle S. Giovanni n.66, together with the purchase invoice. It will be your concern to send the product as an attachment, which must conform to the state of purchase, therefore not tampered with or damaged.

8.3 In the event of withdrawal, the Purchaser shall be required to pay only the direct costs of returning the Products and shall be liable in the event of loss or damage to the Products. In addition to the above, the withdrawal will be considered correctly exercised if the Product is returned in a condition of substantial integrity.

8.4 Following receipt of the returned Products, ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE shall promptly verify compliance with the terms and conditions of withdrawal described in this Article 8, communicating the outcome to the Purchaser by e-mail. If the right of withdrawal has been correctly exercised by the Buyer, ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE will send confirmation of acceptance of the Products. , ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE will activate the reimbursement procedures pursuant to Article 9 below.

8.5 If ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE ascertains that even one of the conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal has not been complied with, as specified in this Article 8, ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE shall notify the Purchaser by e-mail of the forfeiture of the exercise of the right of withdrawal and the right to obtain reimbursement of the sums already paid; in this case, the Products will be automatically returned to the Buyer, at the Buyer's expense, in the state in which they were returned to ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE.



9. Refund of sums paid

9.1 Whatever the payment method used by the Purchaser, the refund procedure is activated by ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE as soon as possible and in any case within 30 (thirty) days from the date on which ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE became aware of the exercise of the right of withdrawal, subject to verification of the correct execution of the procedure and acceptance of the returned Products.

9.2 If there is no correspondence between the Purchaser of the Products indicated in the Purchase Order and the person who made the payment of the sums due for their purchase, in the event of exercising the right of withdrawal, ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE will refund the sums paid exclusively to the person who made the payment: in this case, ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE will still be released.



10. Complaints

Any complaints may in any case be sent to ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE di Giuseppe Zafiri, with registered office in Calamandrana (AT), fraz. Valle S. Giovanni no. 66, or by e-mail to the address info@zafirivini.com entering "complaint" in the subject of the communication.



11. Force majeure

Except in cases of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE shall not be liable for, shall be relieved of, any contractual obligation to make or deliver and shall not be required to pay any compensation or indemnity in the event of non-fulfilment of obligations imposed on it due to causes not attributable to ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE or to events of force majeure,  such as, but not limited to, riots, insurrections, pandemics, social unrest, telephone or computer failures or serious damage to the security and operation of the internet, strikes and the impossibility of supplying (even temporary) Products and materials.



12. Protection of personal data

For information on the processing of the Buyer's personal data, please read carefully the information on the processing of personal data published on this Site.



13. Dispute resolution

13.1 Italian law applies to these general terms and conditions, including the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005, and, in particular, the legislation on distance contracts (articles 50 to 68), as well as the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 70 of 9 April 2003 on electronic commerce.

13.2 The Buyer is in any case free to bring an action before the competent court at his or her residence or domicile.



14. Customer Service

For any information relating to the purchase of products through the Site or to the warranty, withdrawal or other, the Buyer may contact ZAFIRI GIUSEPPE Customer Service by e-mail at info@zafirivini.com